As with so many organizations during the pandemic, we needed to find a way to stay connected with our church family. Just prior to that, long-time member Betty Berger went to be with Jesus on August 23, 2019 and bequeathed Family Ministries a sizable gift. Aunt Betty’s Studios was formed with the vision of bringing middle to high school children into this specialized ministry, we well as being open to anyone in the church who has an aptitude for film productions.

It started with Midweek Announcements uploaded to YouTube to connect the pastor with the congregants. Eventually that morphed into The Mary and Sherri Show, which is a great starting point for knowing who we are at FPC, as well as many laughs and bloopers. We don’t take ourselves too seriously on Thursday mornings!

Over the years we have produced and published a wide variety of videos, such as  PSAs, music, Bible talks with folks from our church and other local churches, Advent and Holy Week devotionals, silly films, and much, much more.

There are two production teams underneath the umbrella of Aunt Betty’s Studios. PresbyPod is the original studio. And 3to1 Productions is the Youth component of ABS. Be sure to check out our playlists on YouTube.