Music Ministries at First Presbyterian
Chancel Choir: The Chancel Choir meets once a week on Thursdays @ 7 pm in the Sanctuary. The choir is constantly rehearsing several selected Anthems and Hymns several weeks ahead of performing them before the congregation and Sunday service. The Chancel Choir also presents a Cantata once a year and enjoys inviting the local community to hear and be a part of it. The choir consists of approximately 30 volunteer singers and is always welcoming new singers to be a part of our Chancel Choir. Those people who wish to sing in the choir must meet with the Director of Music Ministries before joining.
Praise Team: The PFC Praise team consists of approximately 8 instrumentalists and singers. This group sings songs of Praise and Hymns and is very uplifting. The Praise team meets on Wednesdays @ 7 pm to rehearse their Praise songs with the lead singers who change sometimes every other week. This gives the singers of the Praise Team to have a chance to sing at a service within a given month. Singers and instrumentalists are welcome to join after auditioning for the Director of Music Ministries.
Bell Choir: Our Bell Choir known as “Grace Notes” has 10 ringers that play once a month during a Worship Service. The bell choir plays Hymns and Songs arranged by the bell choir director and has a joyful time learning and playing throughout the year. Grace Notes meets once a week on Wednesday @ 9 am in the Narthex of the church. People who wish to join the bell choir need to be able to read music and meet with the bell director before joining this group of ringers