Adult Sunday School
Join our adult Sunday School class held in Fellowship Hall at 8:30 am every Sunday.

Children's Sunday School Grades K-2
Sunday School Grades K-2
Sign your child in at the Welcome Table and a friendly volunteer will take you to the Sunday school room downstairs. Children grades 3-6 begin in church and, with the exception of Communion Sundays, are released to class about mid-service.

Sunday Worship Service
10:00 am Worship followed by Coffee Hour
Join us for worship in person or on-line!
The service is livestreamed on Sunday morning - if you would like to be on the list to receive an email with the link on Sunday mornings for that week's service, please contact the office at 775-882-1032 / Monday - Thursday 9:00-4:00.
Looking forward to worshipping with you!

Children's Sunday School Grades 3-6
Children grades 3-6 begin in church and, with the exception of Communion Sundays, are released to class about mid-service

Servicio de Adoración de Carson City Restauración
Servicio de adoración vespertino del domingo de Restauración Ebenezer Carson City

SON Rise Women's Bible Study
Location varies - please call the church office at 775.882.1032 for more information

Adult Sunday School
Join our adult Sunday School class held in Fellowship Hall at 8:30 am every Sunday.

Children's Sunday School Grades K-2
Sunday School Grades K-2
Sign your child in at the Welcome Table and a friendly volunteer will take you to the Sunday school room downstairs. Children grades 3-6 begin in church and, with the exception of Communion Sundays, are released to class about mid-service.

Sunday Worship Service
10:00 am Worship followed by Coffee Hour
Join us for worship in person or on-line!
The service is livestreamed on Sunday morning - if you would like to be on the list to receive an email with the link on Sunday mornings for that week's service, please contact the office at 775-882-1032 / Monday - Thursday 9:00-4:00.
Looking forward to worshipping with you!

Children's Sunday School Grades 3-6
Children grades 3-6 begin in church and, with the exception of Communion Sundays, are released to class about mid-service.

Servicio de Adoración de Carson City Restauración
Servicio de adoración vespertino del domingo de Restauración Ebenezer Carson City

SON Rise Women's Bible Study
Location varies - please call the church office at 775.882.1032 for more information

Adult Sunday School
Join our adult Sunday School class held in Fellowship Hall at 8:30 am every Sunday.

Children's Sunday School Grades K-2
Sunday School Grades K-2
Sign your child in at the Welcome Table and a friendly volunteer will take you to the Sunday school room downstairs. Children grades 3-6 begin in church and, with the exception of Communion Sundays, are released to class about mid-service.

Sunday Worship Service
10:00 am Worship followed by Coffee Hour
Join us for worship in person or on-line!
The service is livestreamed on Sunday morning - if you would like to be on the list to receive an email with the link on Sunday mornings for that week's service, please contact the office at 775-882-1032 / Monday - Thursday 9:00-4:00.
Looking forward to worshipping with you!

Servicio de Adoración de Carson City Restauración
Servicio de adoración vespertino del domingo de Restauración Ebenezer Carson City

SON Rise Women's Bible Study
Location varies - please call the church office at 775.882.1032 for more information

Adult Sunday School
Join our adult Sunday School class held in Fellowship Hall at 8:30 am every Sunday.

Children's Sunday School Grades K-2
Sunday School Grades K-2
Sign your child in at the Welcome Table and a friendly volunteer will take you to the Sunday school room downstairs. Children grades 3-6 begin in church and, with the exception of Communion Sundays, are released to class about mid-service.

Sunday Communion Worship Service
10:00 am Communion Worship followed by Coffee Hour
Communion worship followed by coffee fellowship - grades 3 through 6 stay at worship service
Join us for worship in person or on-line!
The service is livestreamed on Sunday morning - if you would like to be on the list to receive an email with the link on Sunday mornings for that week's service, please contact the office at 775-882-1032 / Monday - Thursday 9:00-4:00.
Looking forward to worshipping with you!

Servicio de Adoración de Carson City Restauración
Servicio de adoración vespertino del domingo de Restauración Ebenezer Carson City

SON Rise Women's Bible Study
Location varies - please call the church office at 775.882.1032 for more information

Adult Sunday School
Join our adult Sunday School class held in Fellowship Hall at 8:30 am every Sunday.

Children's Sunday School Grades k-2
Children grades 3-6 begin in church and, with the exception of Communion Sundays, are released to class about mid-service

Sunday Worship Service
10:00 am Worship followed by Coffee Hour
Join us for worship in person or on-line!
The service is livestreamed on Sunday morning - if you would like to be on the list to receive an email with the link on Sunday mornings for that week's service, please contact the office at 775-882-1032 / Monday - Thursday 9:00-4:00.
Looking forward to worshipping with you!

Children's Sunday School Grades 3-6
Children grades 3-6 begin in church and, with the exception of Communion Sundays, are released to class about mid-service

Servicio de Adoración de Carson City Restauración
Servicio de adoración vespertino del domingo de Restauración Ebenezer Carson City

SON Rise Women's Bible Study
Location varies - please call the church office at 775.882.1032 for more information

Adult Sunday School
Join our adult Sunday School class held in Fellowship Hall at 8:30 am every Sunday.

Children's Sunday School Grades K-2
Sunday School Grades K-2
Bring your child grades K-2 upstairs to Children's Sunday School led by Karen Klug. Children grades 3-6 begin in church and, with the exception of Communion Sundays, are released to class about mid-service to class.

Sunday Worship Service
10:00 am Worship followed by Coffee Hour
Join us for worship in person or on-line!
The service is livestreamed on Sunday morning - if you would like to be on the list to receive an email with the link on Sunday mornings for that week's service, please contact the office at 775-882-1032 / Monday - Thursday 9:00-4:00.
Looking forward to worshipping with you!

Children's Sunday School Grades 3-6
Children grades 3-6 begin in church and, with the exception of Communion Sundays, are released to class about mid-service to class with Sherri Gurney.

Servicio de Adoración de Carson City Restauración
Servicio de adoración vespertino del domingo de Restauración Ebenezer Carson City

SON Rise Women's Bible Study
Location varies - please call the church office at 775.882.1032 for more information

Adult Sunday School
Join our adult Sunday School class held in Fellowship Hall at 8:30 am every Sunday.

Children's Sunday School Grades K-2
Sunday School Grades K-2
Sign your child in at the Welcome Table and a friendly volunteer will take you to the Sunday school room downstairs. Children grades 3-6 begin in church and, with the exception of Communion Sundays, are released to class about mid-service.

Sunday Worship Service
10:00 am Worship followed by Coffee Hour
Join us for worship in person or on-line!
The service is livestreamed on Sunday morning - if you would like to be on the list to receive an email with the link on Sunday mornings for that week's service, please contact the office at 775-882-1032 / Monday - Thursday 9:00-4:00.
Looking forward to worshipping with you!

Children's Sunday School Grades 3-6
Children grades 3-6 begin in church and, with the exception of Communion Sundays, are released to class about mid-service to class with Sherri Gurney.

Servicio de Adoración de Carson City Restauración
Servicio de adoración vespertino del domingo de Restauración Ebenezer Carson City

SON Rise Women's Bible Study
Location varies - please call the church office at 775.882.1032 for more information

SON Rise Women's Bible Study
Location varies - please call the church office at 775.882.1032 for more information

Servicio de Adoración de Carson City Restauración
Servicio de adoración vespertino del domingo de Restauración Ebenezer Carson City

Children's Sunday School Grades 3-6
Children grades 3-6 begin in church and, with the exception of Communion Sundays, are released to class about mid-service

Sunday Worship Service
10:00 am Worship followed by Coffee Hour
Join us for worship in person or on-line!
The service is livestreamed on Sunday morning - if you would like to be on the list to receive an email with the link on Sunday mornings for that week's service, please contact the office at 775-882-1032 / Monday - Thursday 9:00-4:00.
Looking forward to worshipping with you!

Children's Sunday School Grades K-2
Sunday School Grades K-2
Sign your child in at the Welcome Table and a friendly volunteer will take you to the Sunday school room downstairs. Children grades 3-6 begin in church and, with the exception of Communion Sundays, are released to class about mid-service.

Adult Sunday School
Join our adult Sunday School class held in Fellowship Hall at 8:30 am every Sunday.

Ash Wednesday Communion Worship
Please join us in the sanctuary for our Ash Wednesday service